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Search: “tom waits” (Page 1 of 2)

We found 6 results for your search.

The Tom Waits Bio: All 12 Illustrations

I just sent off all 12 “final” illustrations for the Tom Waits biography to the publisher. Gaby and I hadn’t looked at them for a while, and seeing them again now I must say we’re both rather pleased with the results. Below you’ll find thumbnails which, when clicked, will reveal the full collage. We’re interested […]


Remember that Tom Waits job? The book’s about to be published, and it will include all 12 illustrations created by Gaby and I. The book’s already gotten some (Austrian) press buzz (click for big version): By the way, pre-order now and you’ll get a free set of postcards with our illustrations printed on them. Chuffed, […]

The Ditch And How To Hit It

Behold: a cross between Chris Cornell, Russell Crowe and Tom Waits! Just to say that sometimes a drawing takes you to places you didn’t expect, and weren’t aiming for to begin with. When that happens, embrace that drawing for what it is. To realize that you’ve hit the ditch can be a most refreshing experience. […]

Drawing A DeSoto

Inanimate objects. For some reason, having to draw them is not my favorite pass-time. However, “Wild Years (the music and myth of) Tom Waits” starts off like this: […] in the 1973 press-kit bio for his first album, Closing Time, Waits claimed that he was born in a taxicab with three day’s growth of beard. […]

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